It is time to snuggle up and stitch with a holiday movie playing (either to really watch or to have as background ambience).
I would like to share with you my "Desert Island" movie choice, ie if I were stranded with only one Holiday movie to ever watch again.
(Drum roll.) My selection is Love Actually.
Star studded cast. (Liam Nielsen, Andrew Lincoln, Keira Knightley, Emma Thompson...)
Clever multiple story lines that carefully and artfully interlock. It is like 5 or 6 mini movies all in one.
You will laugh, and cry, and love along with the characters.
I have met a few people who have not yet seen this perfect movie and I am a little jealous that they get to enjoy it for the first time. I can have it either way when I put this movie on - intensely watching (with something simple to stitch) or having it as pleasant company playing in the background (while I wrestle a more complicated endeavor).
With love (actually),

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