Today, I would like to share an origin story as I introduce our presentation of Stitchmas 2020. You may know it already or you may have lived it along side us; nonetheless, its a good story.
Karin, Kaity, and I (Anne) all had the privilege of working together for over a decade at the former and excellent Anacapa Fine Yarns. We worked in the store and offered lots and lots of classes and special events over the years with the leadership of our fantastic boss, Lois. The Holiday Party in the store each year was my favorite of the season, so much food, cheer, and yarny goodness. Also, for several years, Kaity and I would team up to offer blog postings each day in December, calling it Stitchmas. The last time it was published, Kaity did all 24 posts!
Well, as all good things come to a close eventually, as did our much loved AFY. Still desiring to offer textile instruction, we decided to create a place to keep the learning ablaze. So, here we are now, about 2 1/2 years later, in our new home, Strings and Things Studio. We focus on teaching and helping you through your projects in any way we can.
This year, 2020, needs all of the Holiday cheer that we can muster, so the 3 of us decided to bring the festive textile posts back. Since we do all of the needleworks and more, we are endeavouring under the banner of STITCHMAS!
When I went looking to see who was using this term, I found some real treasures:
Happy Stitchmas is used often to refer to celebrating the Christmas season with the title character from Lilo & Stitch.
A Ventura fiber neighbor, Superbuzzy, offers 12 Days of Stitchmas full of amazing sales on really good stitching paraphenalia. Definitely check out their Instagram and mailing list to see what happens this year!
"Stichmass" is a "term denoting a three-octave span of a keyboard." The more you know. (quoted from
Stay tuned this month - each day we will share something to light up your December days, be it a tip, a tradition, or a suggestion.
With love, Anne
One more thing - we have some really cute holiday masks to take us through this month in safely and well decked for the season. Check out our shop to choose your favorites.
With love, Anne